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Welcome to Tavolo! Please visit our stores at Ocean Terminal, Lee Garden 3 or HomeSquare!!

We offer on-site service, in case you're not sure the size of your room, and need a more precise measurement.

Free engraved name tag & desk silicon mat will be given out upon any purchase of Buono, Norsta, Affel, Sukusuku and Hoppl series. FREE engraved luggage tag upon any purchase of Miamily luggage and any stroller.

Welcome to Tavolo! Please visit our stores at Ocean Terminal, Lee Garden 3 or HomeSquare!!

We offer on-site service, in case you're not sure the size of your room, and need a more precise measurement.

Free engraved name tag & desk silicon mat will be given out upon any purchase of Buono, Norsta, Affel, Sukusuku and Hoppl series. FREE engraved luggage tag upon any purchase of Miamily luggage and any stroller.

Welcome to Tavolo! Please visit our stores at Ocean Terminal, Lee Garden 3 or HomeSquare!!

Your Shopping Cart is empty.
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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

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{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
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What're the benefits of Standing Desk?

Burns Calories

Standing burns more calories than sitting, even if you simply stand still. Now, the calorie difference between standing versus sitting isn’t huge. Standing burns about 100-200 calories per hour, while sitting burns 60-130 calories. But over time, it can add up.


Improves Posture

If you’re regularly standing, the right posture position will start to become second nature and doesn’t put the compression on your spine that sitting can. Sitting for more extended periods can put pressure on your back and discs, leading to back, shoulder, and neck discomfort.

Standing may help lower your blood sugar levels

A study found that replacing time spent sitting with standing, slow walking or slow cycling can reduce average blood sugar levels across the day.

A total of two and a half hours of standing was required of the participants, something many of us could easily incorporate into our daily work lives with the help of a standing desk.

Boosts Your Mood and Focus, then Productivity

Finally, if your workday seems long and you find yourself distracted, standing up can give you a focus and mood boost to increase your productivity. A study at Texas A&M University found people who stood up at work in a call center were 50% more productive.